
Big Tech Makes Friends.

Backstory: Last week, 10 US States sued Google for cutting a deal with Facebook to avoid competition. The lawsuit states that they Facebook agreed to not compete with Google’s online advertising tools in exchange for special treatments in web ad auctions. But: Much of the details remained unknown because the lawsuit was heavily redacted. What […]


The tech’s China problem

What happened: A Chinese Zoom executive was charged by US Deptt of Justice for sending data of US-based users to Chinese civilian spy agency, Ministry Of State Security. Chinese laws: Researchers have long warned that Chinese government can ask US businesses with employees based there to share private data. Zoom also abides by those Chinese […]


Apple on the roads, “like the first time you saw the iPhone”

What happened: Two Apple insiders say Apple’s planning to launch a passenger vehicle in 2024. “Project Titan”, as they call it, was in the works since 2014.  Being the giant Apple is, financially, will it make sense to make a car? It took Tesla 17 years to become profitable.  Driving this idea: Apple’s unique “monocell” […]